Wednesday, June 11, 2008

But global warming doesn't take vacation

I'm writing this while on vacation. For two weeks I can sleep in, be carefree, see family and friends and make a long list of things I will only partially accomplish. As I've been deciding how to spend my time, I've also been wondering how far I should go to have a "green" vacation. I'd only give myself a C.

The thing is, some changes are easy and don't require much sacrifice, like toting around reusable bags and recycling. Even taking public transportation to work is only a slight inconvenience. I'm still going to work -- that part hasn't changed -- I'm just leaving earlier (while arriving more relaxed and spending less money, so maybe it's actually slightly convenient). But what about changes that require a sacrifice? Should I be using public transportation while on vacation, instead of driving places? Should I even be going on a road trip to Palm Springs and Las Vegas (but of course I will)? Should I be using my bike more, since I have more time to get places?

On Monday a friend and I drove 40 miles to the Getty Villa, but how the heck would we have gotten there without driving? The bus would have taken ages. That's the frustration with ditching your car in sprawling LA -- it really limits you to what you can do. And even if getting there using public transportation is doable, I'm not yet comfortable with taking the train back to Long Beach at night.

Today during my leisurely breakfast, I read an article in the Times that said the effects of global warming from developed nations, including the U.S. (the largest producer of greenhouse gases), will be felt in Africa, which doesn't produce nearly as much pollution. I knew that already, but it was a reminder that global warming will hurt others before it hurts us. And yet here I am, resisting change because it might cause a little pain to my lifestyle. (I'd also recommend the Times' series on congestion. Yesterday's article featured a woman whose commute is five hours a day!)

I'll report back after my vacation with how I feel I did overall. As for today, I'm still average. I've driven a little bit around Long Beach, but later I'm going to bike to the gym, which I don't have time to do when I'm working. After a spinning class, biking back I'm sure I will be feeling a little pain ... literally.

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