Thursday, February 18, 2010

Truly fresh eggs

Eggs from a very happy chicken, Gracie. They're so yellow.

I haven't blogged in what feels like ages. I haven't even updated the last two weeks of my mileage challenge, which ended two weeks ago. But since right now I don't feel like finding the notebook I was keeping track of my daily mileage in, I'm writing about something else much more fun than my commute: food. I don't write about the teens I work with very often because it seems like an invasion of their privacy since they interact with us without expecting anecdotes about their lives to be shared in a blog. But I just had to mention the tasty, fresh eggs the other editors and I got from one of our students. She's writing a story about her pet chickens and brought each of us two eggs from Gracie. Each pair were wrapped in a paper towel tucked into a paper bag. We unwrapped them to take a look and it felt like Christmas Day. The delicate eggs were different colors and sizes. I had one medium brown one and a small white egg. The words "happy chicken" came to mind, instead of "chicken factory."

I didn't know how long they'd stay fresh but didn't have a chance to make them over the weekend. So on Tuesday morning I whipped up the two eggs for breakfast before work. The yolks were bright yellow and my eggs were glowing on my plate. And they tasted sooo good and fresh. Because, well, they were. It felt even better than eating free-range eggs that still have to be packaged and shipped. These eggs just traveled down the 60 freeway from Walnut.

That morning at work we all raved about our eggs. Laura said it made her want her own chicken. I don't think I'm ready for that responsibility but she also said she wanted to try buying eggs at a farmers market. I think that's a much better idea!

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