Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Killing the earth softly

I have a bad Coffee Bean habit. It's not that I go way too often, but when I do go I know it's wasteful. Today I bought a tea but because it was so hot they doubled up the cups. Oh joy, two non-recyclable, straight-to-the-dump paper cups for the price of one! Knowing that I can recycle the lid is giving me little consolation. I also bought a scone and of course they put it in a paper bag, which I think is OK to recycle even though there's some residual oil stains on it (hey, I thought that was supposed to be a low-fat scone?). I sometimes remember to take a coffee mug from my office or happen to have my travel mug, but it seems like I only remember half the time. Today I went to the Coffee Bean to buy a box of herbal tea bags but I changed my mind so I bought a cup of tea instead, meaning I didn't have a mug with me.

Sure, two cups and a paper bag aren't exactly mass waste but it adds up. I feel bad and I only go to the Bean about once a week. What about the people who go every day? Or the thousands of coffees, lattes, iced blended concoctions and pastries they sell, adding up to thousands of cups and brown paper bags that I'm guessing only a small percentage of end up recycled. It bothers me because the easiest and best solution would be DIY -- make my own tea and coffee, bring my own snacks -- and pretend like the Bean isn't there, even though in reality it's 30 steps from my office door. But I don't think I have that willpower because it's just too darn convenient. So instead of resolving to cut back on the Bean, I'll just feel guilty and write about it, which feels like an ablution because I see how obsessive I've being and I'm washed of my guilt. There, I feel better already.

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