Thursday, April 30, 2009

Feeling like a hypocrite

Just days after I blogged about Wal-Mart's new green commercial urging people to use a travel mug when they buy coffee, I threw all caution aside and had a latte in a non-recyclable paper cup. I woke up late and rushed out the door this morning, with no time to make coffee or eat breakfast (at least I knew I didn't have to time my shower because I didn't even have time to wash my hair). So what urks me is that I knew I'd be buying coffee at the Bean next to my office and I could have grabbed my travel mug from home, but I didn't. I had a second chance to redeem myself when I got to work, but I didn't take a coffee mug before I went downstairs to get my latte. I'm blaming my forgetfulness on, well, lack of coffee. Hmm, seems like a catch-22. But the cause is not lost, I hope.

When I was telling my sordid tale to my co-worker, an easy solution occurred to me. I could bring another travel mug to my office and leave it there for the days when I buy coffee. It's better than using a coffee mug, which is prone to spilling on the walk back. I have one at home I never use anymore because it doesn't have a spillproof lid, and if you hadn't picked up on that theme yet, that leads to coffee spurting out the drink hole or leaking from the bottom of the lid, usually unnoticed by me until I arrive at my car after the short walk down my apartment stairs, coffee stains already setting into my work pants before I even turn on the ignition. Bad travel mug. But it'll be fine for the short walks from the Bean to my office, when I won't have a million things in my hand and can control the spill factor. There, problem solved with a simple solution. I just need to remember to take the travel mug to work. Let's see how many days it takes me to remember to do that.

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